by Bridgehampton Lions | Oct 31, 2007 | Uncategorized
The Bridgehampton Lions Club would like to thank everyone for such a successful event this year – especially the SPONSORS and CARVERS.
Every year the entries get more and more amazing, we can’t wait to see what happens next year! The Judges have such a hard time deciding on who receives the awards they wanted everyone to know that the real award goes to everyone as a whole for creating the amazing spectacle that has become our event! We built this site to communicate with the community but also to archive this spectacle for all to see. Please take a moment to browse the Carving Contest Gallery . We look forward to seeing you next year.
Specifically we would like to thank:
The Sponsors click here
Liz Joyce and a Couple of Puppets click here
Escola de Samba Boom
The Milk Pail
La Capannina for bringing us 10 large pizzas cut for the kids just in time!
The East Hampton Star, Southampton Press, Sag Harbor Express, Dan’s Papers and Plum TV for all the coverage!
by Bridgehampton Lions | Oct 24, 2007 | Uncategorized
Just a few more days to go and we can now confirm that both Liz Joyce’s Goat on a Boat Puppet Theatre & Escola de Samba Boom will be with us again this year!
Remember, ALL AGES, CASH prizes, it’s FREE to enter and you may enter only once in up to 3 separate categories.
See you Monday At 5 pm or slightly earlier if you would like to drop a carving off.
by Bridgehampton Lions | Oct 18, 2007 | Uncategorized
The contest is coming up soon – Monday October 29th at 5pm. It gets dark enough to judge at around 6 – 6:15 so don’t be too late or miss the puppet show. We do have a plan this year if it rains so please come rain or shine! See the poster below and click the “Carving Contest o7” link on the left for many more details.
Thank you for checking in.
by Bridgehampton Lions | Sep 28, 2007 | Uncategorized
We would like to congratulate Alan Birtwistle and Jack Musnicki, the recipients of the The Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. The Melvin Jones Fellowship Award is the foundation’s highest honor and is given in recognition of a commitment to humanitarian work.
by Bridgehampton Lions | Jul 7, 2007 | Uncategorized
Welcome to The Bridgehampton Lions web site, Please check in periodicly for event listings and details, the Carving Contest will be our next event at the end of October, stay tuned for details. We will post the categoiries in advance right here at the end of September. Please feel free to browse our photo galleries for some images of past events.
Thank you for looking!